Door Dings $75-$125 FREE

Free? Yes, free! Door dings an inch or less are free of charge. Multiple door dings are decided based on the size and severity of the damage, at the discretion of the technician.

Just call or text to get scheduled for your free door ding repair courtesy of LoPresto PDR!

Not sure if your dings qualify? Send us pictures from different angles and we will give you an estimate over the phone.

Hail Damage

Hail happens. But no worries we can help. Call, text, or message ahead to set up an estimate and a professional will see you through the process.

Larger Body Dents (estimates provided in person)

Got hit hard? No worries, we specialize in fixing BIG dents fast. Most of the time the same day. Contact us to see how we can give you a great repair for an honest price.

Hail Estimating

No one likes dealing with insurance. But our insurance specialist does. We can get you the most out of your hail damaged vehicle to ensure that you pay nothing out of pocket when dealing with hail. 

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